7th Aug 2024
Meet The Member – Robyn Gilliland, The Social Hub
Name – Robyn Gilliland
Business name – The Social Hub
Tell us about your businesses, the inspiration behind it and when you launched it?
The Social Hub is the pioneer of hybrid hospitality! Our aim and ethos is to be change makers and trend setters, we create inspiring places to learn, stay, work and play. I am delighted to be heading up the commercial team here in Glasgow, which is our first UK hub. Our CEO is Scottish, and I am extremely proud to be part of his first venture back to the homeland!
Best piece of advice you were given at the start of your business journey?
Seems really simple but finding a way to create a ‘to do’ list that works for you and stick to it. You don’t need to do it the way others tell you to. That being said I do have a very good system that I would be happy to share.
What has been your biggest lesson/ challenge faced so far and how did you overcome it?
Generally it’s a better idea to just ask the question rather than assume the answer or potential outcome. Learning when to ask for forgiveness over permission is a very delicate balance that took me a while to master.
What is your number 1 business tip for success?
Be open to new opportunities and don’t feel like a failure if you don’t have concrete ‘5 year plan’. And always ask for help, it makes you a better team member.
What are the big business goals for the next year?
I have a very new team and a very big target! I have worked in scary sales teams in the past, which is not fun or good for your mental health. I want to make sure that all my team not only have a positive work/life balance, but also feel valued and heard. Oh, and of course hitting that big number on the board as a team will be such an achievement!
How can the GGC Business membership help?
Meeting other women in similar positions to me, working collaboratively where we can and learning as much as possible. I also love that you have different takes on traditional networking, it takes such a lot of pressure off!
What’s the dream?
Short term is just to get the new team in place, long term is to be the most successful new hub in the company. Not that I have a competitive streak…
Fave mantra to get you buzzed up for business?
My most favourite manager ever once told me when I was having a bad day – ‘there is nothing you are not capable of’. Those words are still echoing years later!
Shout out to another local business you admire?
I am in AWE of what Mercy Abel does at John Doe. She is a trail blazer, and the growth that she has achieved in 3 years is just incredible.
Three fun facts about you!
1. In a previous job I was responsible for counting penguins when they came in from their day at sea
2. I broke my back falling off a horse (while working as a riding instructor)
3. I can wiggle my ears…