11th Sep 2024
Meet The Member – Renee Burrows, Milngavie Lash Studio
Name: Renee Burrows
Business Name: Milngavie Lash Studio
Tell us about your business, the inspiration behind it and when you launched it?
I first set up my business in the front bedroom of our family home in Australia back in 2022. After many years working as a Dental Assistant, I wanted a career that would be flexible around my family. As an avid lash wearer, being a lash technician seemed like the perfect fit. After my initial training and many hours of lashing practice, my interest and love for the career grew along with my technical ability. Early on my goal has been to provide a relaxing and enjoyable experience for my clients. Now my family and I, as well as my business are here in Glasgow where my ancestry roots began before migrating to Australia in the 1960’s. We have been warmly welcomed and are grateful to be living, studying and working in Scotland as a family. It has been amazing meeting and getting to know local women through my lash business. The support has been fabulous since I moved into my own office suite. As a dedication to my lovely clients and our new home, I have decorated the lash room in a pink and girly Scottish theme, with some framed pink tartan print and some brilliant Scottish slogans!
Best piece of advice you were given at the start of your business journey?
Practice, Practice, Practice – no one is great at lashing the first time they pick up the tweezers, it takes a lot of practice therefore initially it’s not profitable – I did a lot of free and low cost lash sets initially just to get as much practice in as possible. I’m just grateful to my clients in the early days for being so encouraging and patient with me as I practiced my technique and timing!
What has been your biggest lesson/ challenge faced so far and how did you overcome it?
I have learned that I need to get up and walk around between clients, if I don’t and I work for too many hours without a break I get a sore back. To prevent this I try my best to schedule short but frequent breaks, (which can be difficult when I’m trying to fit a client in at short notice) but I need to be disciplined with my breaks because without them I can’t do my best work or provide the best experience so it’s integral to my business that I do.
What is your number 1 business tip for success?
Be yourself and pour your own individual personality into everything that you do. Quality work is important but on a personal level clients will return because they like you!
What are the big business goals for the year?
To continue to focus on providing a unique and luxury lash service. Summer has been busy and I’ve worked hard at keeping up that momentum by posting regularly on my socials and working some long hours, so that when the cooler months arrive I have built my new business up enough to sustain the season when the industry can typically quieten down.
How can the GGC Business membership help?
Being from Australia and new to Glasgow, joining the GGC felt like a natural next step in integrating and embracing Glasgow culture. Another big plus is the connections that are made with other local female business owners. Having a family and running a business is very busy and doesn’t leave much time for impromptu catch ups with friends. Being a GGC business member means that social events are planned for me, all I need to do is add it to my diary and join other women who understand the demands and rewards as a business owner, the challenges, highs and lows. For me, I feel that if I wasn’t a little obsessed with my business I probably wouldn’t have it.
What’s the dream?
Financial freedom for my family and I to purchase a home and go on more adventures exploring Scotland, the rest of the UK and Europe. We’d also love to visit our family in Australia too.
Fave mantra to get you buzzed up for business!
My favourite quote by Maya Angelou “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” To me, in business terms this translates to, it’s important that my client is happy with their lashes but it is even more important that they feel cared for, and that is what makes a lasting impression. As for getting buzzed up though, usually that means playing some motivating music before my client arrives, and that can be anything from AC/DC to Tom Jones depending on the day!
Shout out to another local business you admire?
NINE ZERO SALON – When we were travelling I was staying in an Airbnb near the salon and I went and had a big bouncy blow dry. The salon looked great and the service, fabulous! I enjoyed a latte whilst getting my hair done and I left feeling amazing!
Give us 3 fun facts about you!
1. My favourite childhood movies are Return to Oz and Labyrinth.
2. I met my now husband in a Heavy Metal nightclub in Melbourne CBD back in 2005
3. I had Gastric Sleeve Surgery in 2019. Quite a few years ago now but if you ever have lunch with me you might notice that I eat about the same amount of food as a child and I can’t drink while I’m eating as it causes some discomfort, totally worth it though, the experience has been life changing not only for me but my family too.
Get in touch with Renee here!