22nd Oct 2024
Meet The Member – Mandy Easton, Move Train Eat
Name – Mandy Easton
Business Name – Move Train Eat
Tell us about your business, the inspiration behind it and when you launched it?
Move Train Eat is a wellness, fitness and nutrition platform, aimed to bring healthy eating together with Pilates and strength training to make you feel your best. The inspiration behind it was attending boutique studios in London, finding the joy of Pilates through Youtube whilst pregnant a few years ago, and finding joy healthy nutritious cooking throughout lockdown. Following a desire to work in the fitness industry, I trained as a Group Fitness instructor with the ambition to make exercise fun and manageable for all levels, and it has since grown into Move Train Eat, which is an extension of that, aiming to help people find the joy in taking care of themselves.
Best piece of advice you were given at the start of your business journey?
Try and enjoy the journey – you’ll learn so much in this first year.
What has been your biggest lesson/ challenge faced so far and how did you overcome it?
Moving cities in the middle of starting a new career and starting again. I’ve overcome it by connecting with people and looking for opportunities in as many places as I can.
What is your number 1 business tip for success?
Trust yourself, be personable, and be kind to every potential customer. People remember kindness.
What are the big business goals for the next year?
To build up a regular base of clients coming to my studio classes in Glasgow City Centre, build a base of nutrition clients, to help people transform their relationship with food and drink, and build more of an online following for Mat Pilates.
How can the GGC Business membership help?
I believe networking with other talented people in Glasgow will really help, as well as making the most of the tutorials and speakers you have access to.
What’s the dream?
To have a thriving business servicing clients through Pilates, exercise classes and nutrition, and to provide free workouts to clients at home who want to practice Pilates.
Fave mantra to get you buzzed up for business?
‘You just have to go for it! You’re not going to regret trying!’
Shout out to another local business you admire?
Beefcake bakery in Jordanhill.
Three fun facts about you!:
- I have a dog called Jonathan
- I’m learning to play the saxophone
- I do a great Scouse accent!