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26th Feb 2023

Meet the Member – Jurgita Buciute, Active + Therapy by Saule

‘Meet The Member’ is our blog series where we get to know the members of our business club a little better. In this post, we catch up with Jurgita Buciute, Active + Therapy by Saule


Name – Jurgita Buciute

Company – Active + Therapy by Saule

Title – Sports Therapist

About You – I am an active person and mum of two Girls. I am originally from Lithuania, but Love brought me here 8 years ago. Love is finished, but my life is going forward and now I am a business Girl, Qualified Soft Tissue and Sports Therapist.

About your Work – I have two years of experience as Soft Tissue Therapist and freshly graduated as Sports Therapist. My work place at the moment is in amazing, old fashion Future Fitness gym, this gym is dogs (and children a bit 😂) friendly. I am working there as therapist at the moment.

Business offer for GGC Members – 10% off for GGC members 🌞.

Main aims from GGC Membership – get new bodies 😃😂😃 just kidding, learn something from other strong girls, get some skills for my business and meet new people, maybe new friends and feel like I am real part of Glasglow Girls.

Favourite Quote – life is short so enjoy it

Favourite Place somewhere warm please ..

Likes Dancing, Sports, great food

Dislikes rain 😂

Who inspires you?  My Girls.. and just Love my Life 💗


You can find out more about Jurgita Buciute, Active + Therapy by Saule here

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