31st Jul 2024
Meet The Member – Joanne Easton, Guided by Gaia Tarot
Name: Joanne Easton
Business name: Guided by Gaia Tarot
Tell us about your businesses, the inspiration behind it and when you launched it?
It was all a bit of an accident! I’d always been drawn to tarot but I was always so intimidated by it! How on earth could I possibly learn all the meanings for 78 cards?! All the cards! All the meanings! But one morning, just over a year ago (I know!) I woke up with a desire to buy a deck. I went to my local witchy shop (read on to find out more!) and bought my first deck, the traditional Rider Waite Smith. As I shuffled the cards for the first time, I felt like a missing piece of me slotted into place. Months of learning followed (being out of work was actually so great because I had all this free time to dedicate to my study!) and I started offering practice readings to friends and family.
And it blossomed. I was encouraged to offer my readings out professionally because they were landing with my pals. I realised that I had a (whisper) gift. In the year I’ve been practicing professionally I’m blown away by the querents that, through the cards, I’ve helped and guided. I take my responsibilities very seriously and I have a strict (but also fluid and being constantly checked!) code of ethics that I follow.
Tarot isn’t just telling the future and fortune telling. It’s so much more. Tarot is self help, counselling, self knowledge and self love. Tarot is your biggest cheerleader, and I’ll stand alongside my cards relaying their message to you.
Best piece of advice you were given at the start of your business journey?
To have faith in myself and my readings. I still suffer a lot with imposter syndrome, specially because I haven’t really been practicing for all that long! I always need to caveat myself with “But I spent a lot of time on my study!”.
Also, that I should always be myself and never stop the swearing!
What has been your biggest lesson/ challenge faced so far and how did you overcome it?
A few months ago there was a major lull in requests for readings and I was very thankful for my day job! But I tried not to let it dishearten me, I kept posting on social media and talking about tarot. I also started doing live videos on my Facebook page offering free readings, which has went down a storm! It’s lovely to be able to give something back.
What is your number 1 business tip for success?
Be authentic. Be honest. Be pure of intention. Do everything that you do with kindness and love in your heart.
What are the big business goals for the next year?
My aim is to continue building my tarot practice up ethically and solidly with a view to making it my life (in a few years! I’m realistic!). The universe is definitely pushing me towards in-person readings these days, rather than online/remote readings. This is quite tricky as I do have a full time day job, so I may be asked to take a leap of faith in a few months. Time will tell!
How can the GGC Business membership help?
It gets you out there and if you really make use of everything that’s on offer, it’s a definite no-brainer to get involved with! I’m going to be using my membership posts to do live videos for free readings (watch this space!) and I’m buzzing more than a suitcase full of vibrators for it! The GGC Admin team are all super helpful and supportive, so yes, get in there!
What’s the dream?
To make an ethical, pure and stable living from tarot and witchy woo woo shit. To live in peace with my dog and my loved ones. To get the Assisted Dying Bill for Terminally Ill Adults passed in Scotland (this could become a reality this year…)
Fave mantra to get you buzzed up for business?
Don’t be like a fart in a trance. Get the job done.
Shout out to another local business you admire?
The Wee Witch Shop in Wishaw. I went to the 6 week tarot course run by the wonderful and ohsoknowledgeable Elaine aka Celtic Roots Tarot. It’s a beautiful shop run by beautiful witches. www.theweewitchshop.co.uk
Also, Awaken in Wishaw. It’s a most sacred space, owned by my reiki master Caroline Slavin. Caroline has been such a supporter for me and I’m so excited that Awaken has offered me her safe space to provide readings in!
And on a bit of a tangent, but I’m not missing this opportunity to mention an issue which is so close to my heart, campaigning in support of the Assisted Dying Bill for Terminally Ill Adults. The wonderful organisation Dignity in Dying are doing so much good work and if this is an issue which has touched you, please do reach out to them. www.dignityindying.org.uk
Three fun facts about you!
1. I’m pansexual (only came out a few years ago).
2. I fucking swear a fucking lot (I have been trying so hard not to swear here!)
3. I love anchovies. Is that fun, or just fucking weird?
Connect with Joanne here!