4th Sep 2024
Meet The Member – Gemma Jackson, Pretty Little Details- Wedding & Event Styling
Name: Gemma Jackson
Business name: Pretty Little Details- Wedding & Event Styling
Tell us about your businesses, the inspiration behind it and when you launched it?
I have managed logistics businesses for over a decade for my dad. I graduated uni in 2010 having studied in a completely different field, however the more I worked in the business the more I realised I had a real passion and drive for it. In recent years, we had been looking at different business routes to explore as we wanted to try our hand at new industries. I have always had a creative mind and an eye for detail and while planning for my own wedding in 2023 I saw an opportunity to combine all of my skills with the things I enjoy and Pretty Little Details was born.
Best piece of advice you were given at the start of your business journey?
Having had years of business experience behind me, I knew the importance of being accountable. Every action or choice you make has an impact on your business and you always have to think 10 steps ahead.
Taking a step into a new industry, we had a lot to learn. The best thing anyone within the events industry told me was find what works for you and never undervalue yourself.
What has been your biggest lesson/ challenge faced so far and how did you overcome it?
As we’re still so new, we’re learning every single day. There isn’t a week that passes by that we aren’t faced with a new challenge and I think it will be this way for a while as we’re stepping into a brand new industry. As much as the general rules of running a business are the same, the challenges of a new industry are things we’re still adapting to. We are working through our first wedding season this year in an industry surrounded by amazing suppliers who have had years of wedding experience, being the “newbie” comes with its own challenges as we’re trying to network with venues and suppliers as well as find our feet.
What is your number 1 business tip for success?
I’m not sure I’m in a position to answer that one yet as we’re so new but I think stay grounded and remember when you’re providing a service you have people relying on you, without those clients you don’t have a business.
What are the big business goals for the next year?
I’ve managed to achieve some goals this year that would have been future goals so I need to reassess after this summer and set myself new targets!
How can the GGC Business membership help?
The networking aspect of the GGC business membership was my biggest reason for joining. Knowing there’s a support network there I can reach out to for general advice, support from other suppliers within the events industry and also a network of businesses I can use knowing I’m supporting a local business with real people like myself.
What’s the dream?
At the moment my dream is simply to keep going from strength to strength, expanding and growing the business each year.
Fave mantra to get you buzzed up for business?
The expert in everything was once a beginner!
Shout out to another local business you admire?
I admire absolutely everyone who’s out there doing it, building their brand and putting their heart & soul into providing a service they’re proud of.
Find out more about Gemma here!