14th Dec 2023
Meet the Member – Emma Croughan, Birth & Body
‘Meet The Member’ is our blog series where we get to know the members of our business club a little better. In this post, we catch up with Emma Croughan, Birth & Body
Emma Croughan, Birth & Body
Birth Preparation Courses and Classes. Helping expectant mums prepare for birth and approach their labour with confidence!
Best Piece of Advice: It will take time to grow! Be Patient!
Biggest Lesson: You don’t need to do everything at once, space out content, space out ideas, take your time!
Number 1 Business tip: Don’t be afraid to be out there to grow your business?
Big Business Goals: Grow my business as much as I can, get my name out there! The bigger the name the more women I can support!
How can the GGC Business help? Business advice, connecting with local businesses, how to grow my business, local events.
Whats the dream? To run a successful business that fits into my family life. Have an income to support my family and not have to worry about the future. To support and educate women and help them throughout their pregnancy and birth journey.
Fave Mantra: Believe in your birth, Believe in your body, Believe in you
Shoutout to another business: Watters Bathrooms
Offer to GGC website members: 10% off all courses and classes!
You can find out more here