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2nd Sep 2021

September Horoscopes with Madre Palmistry

Wondering Madre Palmistry predicts for you this month?… Well you are about to find out!!

Usually captured on camera, we thought we would mix things up for September and showcase Madre’s much loved and widely anticipated star sign predictions on the GGC blog, as Madre prepares for her book launch event behind the scenes and helping her vast array of clients with guidance and healings.

Before we get cracking, we want to say a massive thank you to Metro Laser for sponsoring the Horoscopes! Metro Laser are a partner of the GGC Business Club and provide all of our members with unmissable deals on laser hair removal, including their first treatment FREE (ts & cs apply) – web members log in now and head to the Metro offer page to find out more.  What’s more, you don’t want to miss this competition they are currently running

Right Horoscopes time, #hwfglow – over to you Madre Palmistry!!!


I hope everyone enjoys the horoscopes, it really is a powerful month. It’s a powerful month for change  The new moon in Virgo is making us all go deeper, much deeper into our souls. It’s new beginnings, a new path, clarity! Mercury goes retrograde so tie up all the loose ends and the full moon goes into Pisces on the 20th and it is all about love. It really is. We are going to feel everything so deeply.

Be kind to others, be compassionate to others.  It takes two seconds to remove someone’s pain by being kind. Have a magical month, go with the flow and don’t put any stress on yourself. Don’t worry, try to think positively only and don’t sit too long with dark thoughts. Keep yourself busy, protect your energy and space and have a wonderful month. Sending you all love and light and have a great, magical, mystical and divine month!

Get in touch for a reading with me if you are drawn to it and don’t forget GGC website members enjoy discounts with me, simply log into your web accounts to find out more.


You are go-getters, the game will never stop, so who is next to play!? Wow, you are in for such an exciting month where you will gain so much knowledge (for some reason I am channeling into Egyptian Mythology so why not look deeper into this?  There could be a message in it for you).

You really need to loosen up your grip on all things and go with the flow and remove all fear this month. Tie up any loose ends before the new moon on the 6th, it’s important you do this if you can. A lot of people appear from your past, especially around the end of the month… but you are done with the betrayal, you are over it, you are into a new dimension. You will flow lovely throughout this month, just remain calm and remember you are the go-getter! Have an amazing month queens!


Do not stop manifesting your dreams in September. Self-worth improves and so does your charisma. You are reaching new heights. Keep your mind clear and turn the news off (if you can) and connect with the divine to guide and strengthen your magical and intuitive powers. Don’t listen to anyone but yourself. You are a wise owl throughout this month.

You are going to awaken the spark within. A lot of recognition will follow and so many people are going to want to come into the zone and connect with you, but I would advise this September to just focus on you, protect your energy and focus on your breathing.  It is going to be a magical month for you. Single Taurus’, you will likely stay single this month, but you are going into higher learning this month, so continue with that, protect your space and love will come through when YOU are ready.


Wow, all the power is within you, you just have to activate it and you can do this by working on yourself with classes, power walks, meditation, and working deeper on yourself.  I want you to keep your cool on the 16th, walk away and say nothing. End of the month, huge blessings are near. I can see marriage for a lot of people, reunions, connecting, and confirming that this is the one – this month is beautiful for love.

Get ready for a life-changing event after the 23rd, stay grounded and stay humble. It’s all about divine timing. Gemini and Cancers friendships warm-up and a beautiful lady in spirit is sending you a lovely gift. Now, this could be a white feather, could be a wee bird visiting you and singing away to you, could be a financial windfall, could be a person coming into your life, could be a dream – could be any these beautiful things and you’ll know what it is when it comes through.

People are shocked by this new path you are taking, but just rise above it as it brings abundance. A child can be flowing with emotions this month and can cause a bit of stress. Go deeper into what is troubling this wee person and unlock their voice and expression with compassion, understanding, and focused listening. It is so hard because we are all so time short. But children need to vent and chat through their emotions and daily happenings (if I can help at all then let me know). The family is happy when you’re happy, so focus on happiness this month and it is going to be a good one.


Losing souls who don’t respect you is a gain, not a loss. You deserve happiness. Celebrate your growth, cause you do not do it enough. A powerful new direction is coming your way. Venus is bringing in love and solid conversations, it’s time for happiness. You do ask yourself if you are happy a lot, so now is your time. You are a natural giver to all, but ask yourself when it comes to the people you give your energy to daily, do they give you the same back? It goes deep around the 17th, there is a huge shift happening. Don’t get sucked into others’ energy.  S

witch off in September and connect with yourself.  This is a powerful month for growth, love, conversations and really rewarding yourself for all your hard work. Never lose sight, never lose hope because the journey you are on is powerful. So enjoy this month, it is very exciting in love and your energy is going to be explosive around the end of September, especially after the big full moon.


Namaste lioness you fierce queen, wow your energy this month is a lot.  Like a lion you are poised, you are deep-rooted and connected with nature. Recently you had had low-key energy and have been mainly observing, you have been watching. But this month you are on fire, your intuition is potent. The past few months have been really stagnant, but you can feel it starting to warm up now, you can feel the heat in your belly. It’s coming! So you have been observing and you can still observe, but you are going to have some action come in around the 24th.

You are a true beauty, a natural beauty. Sometimes you try out different things but you don’t need to try, you are just stunning, so no more self-doubt ok? You are changing your life up big time. You are getting this wee nudge from the universe to step out of your comfort zone. You are becoming a lot bolder, you are rising above the bullshit and you are coming into your power and you are looking at things far more logically. I see a very exciting offer coming through around the 16th as well to do with career and this is going to be really lovely for you. Enjoy lioness, this month is going to really lift your spirits, so stay strong and enjoy!


Happy Birthday queens! Your rules for your birthday, you do whatever you want to do. Just enjoy this. When your birthday is over make sure you focus on building your success.  You’ve had a lot of distractions around you, a lot of energy vampires lurking around over the past few months, which is very draining. So keep your focus on building your empire. Pay attention to the details. People might be bringing you their power struggles so stay balanced, focus and quiet.

Affirm this to yourself this month, you are good enough. You are worthy. Let go of all the pains and free the past. Enjoy this month, you are going to look sensual and people are going to be like wow. You are glowing this month,  you are a natural divine, feminine stunner. It is going to be a lovely powerful month.

Now I do see Aries energy coming through, giving you a solid answer, validation or something like that. I can see this Aries energy all around you and it is rushing in. You are going to really enjoy this month, treat yourself, ignore the haters, you are worthy, you are good enough and you are a queen.  Happy Birthday!


It is all about strength. Strength is going to carry you forward. You are really going to tap into your superpower cause the emotions and the sensitivity is all heightened, it is overflowing this month. Just breathe. You are just going to keep going, you are going to walk out that door and don’t look back. You are done, you are going to focus on classes and higher learning and that is going to be your superpower.

There is a Gemini in your life, or coming into your life, and you’ve changed this person or this person has changed you, in the most unique way.  You have both strengthed each other and you have both come into heal, heal each other’s heart. Something socially comes through work, around the 11th but I would recommend not too frequent too many social events this month, just plan daily and go with the flow as there are a lot of heightened emotions in September.

Libra, you will go very very deep into your emotions, especially the last week of September. At this time be around water, mantras, a wee bit of shopping to treat yourself and enjoy a lovely day out with a friend. Rise above any chaos around you and it will disappear, remember this… ‘a person is powerless without a reaction’ so rise above and it will be a magical month.


I am totally channeling into you completely refreshing your environment, home, and space. Pouring your energy into these creative ideas! I see a beautiful exotic space being created.  I foresee an amazing chair purchase from TK Max! Keep your focus and the phone off, stay in the flow of doing lovely things around your home.

The full moon is going to really lift your spirits and help manage your moods cause I know they have been really up and down and maybe you have been feeling a little lost.  If you feel like your sparks are away, keep the creative flow in the home going because your space is beautiful. Your work life is going to take off next year so maybe hold off on the pet front as it is going to be very busy. Stay calm, sensitive to others and practice meditation and I do see a lot of love coming around on the 18th of September, so I think this person is going to reach out and take you for a romantic dinner.


Wow, the wheel is turning fast for you in September. A number of daily challenges may lie ahead but they are people-based, a lot of emotions from others, but I want you to protect your energy and keep a clear mind. Enjoy life this month and do not care what others think,  you are a beautiful soul! Happiness is key, if it doesn’t feel like the right path you are on then I feel a huge shift, a spark igniting your energy around the 20th. The winds are changing for you. You are being pushed into a magical new direction and this is something you massively deserve. This month especially you are powerfully attracting your twin flame, so enjoy this month gorgeous.


Over the next few weeks please amend anything that needs repairing, returned, signed off, completed – do it all before the full moon.  I do see a concrete job offer coming through Capricorns, I want you to embrace the change and don’t overthink it. Change is powerful for you. I do see some of you having a low-key celebration, keep it low-key and think hippy vibes (this will make sense). You are going to have a really powerful month in finances especially around the 23rd. It is magical and a really good month for you, a lot of awakenings! A Gemini comes through and gives you a lot of support and guidance.


This month brings so much happiness in the home, so much news. Engagements and announcing engagements, also some pregnancy news around the 1oth.

You’re not feeling as nervous anymore, you are feeling stronger. You are going through a powerful rebirth, you are breaking free of all your insecurities. You are feeling more nurturing, you are feeling an ending to something and it promises a really bright future. I can see a Pisces coming through and you get a lot of clarity on a situation from them, which is good.  This does bring a lot of balance and happiness in the home.

I want you to take small steps throughout September. I feel a wee house warming party or something to celebrate all your accomplishments, everything you have finished. And everything you touch this month really does turn to gold. You have so much great energy and good news coming your way. Completing projects and lots of financial rewards coming through. Some people around you are looking for a new home, and this brings a lot of joy as well, you like to see others really happy.

So yes you have an empowering few months, a nice relaxed month in September as I say it is about baby steps. Jupiter leaves your house in December, which means a lovely financial reward and a lovely gift being left for you for all your hard work, your accomplishments and finally finishing all your creative projects. You are a star so enjoy all the attention, love and support that comes your way and celebrations!


Pisces wow, you have a full moon going into your sign on the 20th,  you are coming out!! This is your season. Now, Mercury goes retrograde at the end of September, so complete and tie up all loose ends, anything you can do before the new moon on the 6th, do it.

Pisces you are going to feel the energy of the new moon and feel everything so deeply. I want you to focus on really boosting your confidence. You are going to feel a big huge shift in your motivation and all your energy is coming back around the 8th. Go with the flow and make no plans. Put your energy into your family, refresh the home and the full moon around the 20th in your sign is going to light up your powers.

If you or anyone around you is feeling any type of big shift in mood, breathing exercises will help. Take charge of your confidence and emotions. Feel the emotions! Don’t block them. There was a sun storm a few days ago and it has left you feeling exhausted, but your energy is coming back so enjoy this month, which is going to be full of light bulb moments!

We have an array of fabulous virtual reading offers with Madre Palmistry for GGC website members, log on now to your account or message Madre direct for more info.

To connect with Madre:

Facebook @madrepalmistry 

Insta: @palmistrymadre

To connect with our sponsors Metro Laser Clinic:

Facebook: @metroclinicglw



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