20th Nov 2024
Meet The Member – Rachael Walker, Coached By Rachael
Name – Rachael Walker
Business name – Coached By Rachael
Tell us about your businesses, the inspiration behind it and when you launched it?
I actually run 2 businesses but I’m here for the help of one. I run a dance school in Paisley, Gillian Easdale School of Dance, and a personal training business – Coached By Rachael
Best piece of advice you were given at the start of your business journey?
My mum always told me that if I found a job I loved, then I’d never work another day in my life. This is true, as working in fitness doesn’t ‘mostly’ feel like I’m working.
What has been your biggest lesson/ challenge faced so far and how did you overcome it?
Biggest lesson – do what you think is right, not what others tell you
What is your number 1 business tip for success?
Be true to yourself and what you believe in
What are the big business goals for the year?
I am looking to reduce the days I have 121 clients, but increase my online coaching and further my career as a personal trainer by attaining additional qualifications
How can the GGC Business membership help?
Make me feel not as alone, find the right clientele for me
What’s the dream?
Work with clients 1 day a week, the rest of my clients online, build a community where I bring in other coaches to bring all other aspects of fitness – a dietitian, mindset coach etc.
Shout out to another local business you admire?
The Dance Business Coach
Give us 3 fun facts about you!
- I met Jacqueline Wilson when I was 11
- I’ve competed in 2 fitness events in the last year
- I have 2 Harry Potter tattoos
Find out more about Rachael here!